April 3, 2023
Diarrhea is one of the most common ailments in our routine practice. It is also one of the most common causes of morbidity and mortality if we don’t intervene promptly.
The WHO defines diarrhea as the passage of three or more loose, watery stools in 24 hours. The most common cause of acute diarrhea is an infection (viral/bacterial). In India, diarrheas are more common in the summertime.
The overwhelming need of the hour is to urgently replace and replenish the lost water and salts in the body.
ORS – Oral Rehydration Solution is a specially constituted solution that mimics the lost fluid from the bowel. It can quickly correct the existing deficiency and help maintain hydration until the child recovers from his illness and his appetite returns to normal.
Your doctor will first assess your child. If she determines that your child has either no or mild dehydration, she will prescribe ORS. Children above the age of six months will also receive oral zinc.
If she feels that the child is moderately dehydrated, ORS will remain the mainstay of therapy, but in these cases, it should be administered in a supervised setting.
Severely dehydrated children need admission to a hospital setting and urgent correction of fluid and salt deficits.
Your doctor will assess the fluid deficit and rapidly replace it over 3-4 hours.
We continue with ORS until the child can eat and drink normally.
The million-dollar question! Yes, indeed! Tastier, for sure, but it can actually harm your child. Glucon D, Tang, and other ‘energy drinks’ contain a lot of glucose and very little or no salts. Unless glucose and salt are in the right proportion in the ingested fluid, they can actually worsen diarrhea. Too much glucose increases the osmolality of the intestinal contents and pulls even more fluid out of the body to counterbalance the excess osmolality.
Fluids containing excess salt increase the blood’s salt content, which can be dangerous.
Have a look at the composition of ORS vs. Glucon D vs. Tang – You can see that both Glucon D & Tang contain waaay more sugar than necessary
Avoid any energy drinks as a substitute for ORS. They can cause serious harm.
Nathani Clinic
We have dealt with energy drinks here.
Sure, you can!
ORS can be simply prepared at home:
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This article has been written by Dr. Ankita Bhandari in collaboration with Dr. Rajesh Nathani
The premier children’s clinic and general vaccination center in Chembur, Mumbai
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