January 26, 2018
Cell phones – The number of people using cell phones ranges from 73.8% of the population using it in UAE to 14% in
Indonesia. Unbelievable as this may sound – India is at a lowly 16.8% (but then we have a huge population and a lot of us live below the poverty line and that is a mighty lowly poverty line! ).
Most mobile users are however more than addicted to the cell phone and spend on an average 3 hours on the cellphone daily. All of us are equally guilty and these are average figures.
There is a lot of hype in the media about the radiation associated with the use of cell phones and mobile towers. Naturally, I get a lot of questions from parents about the harmful effects of radiation associated with cell phone use (never mind, if they themselves are addicts)!
Some nitty gritty facts that should help alleviate your fears:
The type of radiation emitted from mobile phones is electromagnetic radiation. It is present in mobiles because they use radio frequency (RF) waves to make and receive calls.
The doses are considered to be very small as the emissions are low power (short range).
There has been no conclusive evidence that using a mobile phone causes long term harmful effects in humans ‘AS YET’
So should you be [simple_tooltip content=’unimpressed or indifferent’]blasé[/simple_tooltip] and just go ahead and use it all the time – A resounding No! The key words in the sentence above were ‘AS YET’.
So do take usual sensible precautions to reduce the levels of radiation you absorb from using your phone :
But Doctor! I am really worried! There is a mobile tower in our building and we live on the top floor!
So there! Do be sensible but not paranoid about this invisible radiation!
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