My child is NOT fat! He is healthy! Body Mass Index
Just last evening, I saw Rohan(fictitious), a seven and half year old child. He weighed 33.9 kg and was 119 cm tall and his [simple_tooltip style=’text-decoration: underline;’ content=’Body Mass
Sleeping time – Battle time?
Sleeping time? I just dread it every day. Anisha just won’t fall asleep, Doctor! I have tried so many things, and nothing works! There is so much to do and so little time.
How much physical activity is needed for your child?
We all feel that our children are hyper-active and can easily burn off all the calories that they are consuming.
Announcing Availability Of Fit For Birth Services At Our Clinic
We are pleased to announce the availability of Fit For Birth program at our clinic from July 15, 2015. This program is designed to help the mother-to-be and the rest of the family prepare for and deal with a difficult, stressful and yet deeply soul-satisfying phase of their life.
Does a child < 6 months of age require supplementation?
Baby less than six months of age should be exclusively on breast milk with supplementation with vitamin D3 only.
Why do young infants cry excessively and what can we do about it?
For the newborn and the really young infant, crying is the only means of expression. It instantly draws the attention (and anxiety!) of the caregivers. I am
Should I use baby wipes on my baby’s bottom?
The best thing to use is tap water and a soft cloth. You can add a dab of neutral, soft soapy solution while cleaning but just plain water will do.
Why does my infant hiccup so much?
A hiccup is caused when the [simple_tooltip content=’A large and strong muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen’]diaphragm[/simple_tooltip] contracts due to some sort of irritation,
DPT Vaccine – Painless or Painful?
Another existential question like:
To be or not to be – Shakespeare
If there are painless vaccines available, why are
Can BCG vaccine be given at another site?
I am often asked this question, especially when it is a girl-child. BCG vaccine is normally given on the upper and outer aspect of the left upper arm, close to the shoulder.