Chicken Pox Vaccine – Are we all condemned to suffer from chicken pox at some point in our lives? In the past, parents were recommended to expose their children to somebody suffering from chickenpox so that they could get it as children. We all know that the disease is milder in children. But the fact is that in a few children there are complications that are mostly related to infections (usually in the skin and subcutaneous tissue, and even more sadly, some children will die of the disease.
Things have changed dramatically with the widespread use of chickenpox vaccine! When you vaccinate yourself and your family, you not only protect them but even protect others!!(there are some individuals who cannot receive the vaccine)
The IAP and the CDC, both recommend two doses of the chickenpox vaccine for all children and healthy adults who have not received the vaccine or have had shingles. All women in child-bearing age must be immunized with chickenpox vaccine as even if the mother gets mild disease during pregnancy, she can lose her fetus or have a severely malformed fetus due to the disease affecting the unborn child.
First dose: 15-18 months
Second dose: 4-6 years (may be given earlier if there is a gap of at least 3 months between the two doses)
2 doses at least 28 days apart.
Catch up vaccination involves one or two doses depending on how old the person is. Consult your doctor about when and how many doses to give.
Breakthrough infections develops only in as few as 0 – 0.8% of children who receive two doses of vaccine. In adults too, the efficacy is as high as 75-80%. Even those, who do get it, get a much milder form of the disease, with fewer blisters, lower fever, and a more rapid recovery.
There is nothing in life that does not have any side-effects. However the risk of complications and dying from the disease itself is much more than the risk of serious side-effects from the vaccine. Reactions are commoner after the first dose than after the second one.
Convulsions (Jerky movements or staring spells – very rare)
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